Эх, до чего же кошерная игруля была... надо бы перепройти.
как запустить игру с музыкой
К сожалению пока не поддерживается:
Проигрывание музыки пока что не реализовано ни в каком виде. Где взять треки - сам не знаю, подозреваю, что они есть на оригинальном CD и формат у них соответствующий.
Kirov-13 Я смог. Прошу любить и жаловать. Рипнул сразу в OGG, если что.
А, ну и да - нумерация идёт со второго трека (первый - файлы данных игры), пусть это никого не смущает.
Kirov-13, вообще-то я цитировал автора, так-то ему уже давали ссыль на ost'ы. Проблема в том что он ещё не прикрутил их поддержку.
[LeD]Jake Crusher:
Я смог. Прошу любить и жаловать.
Клёво. Но как прикрутить к порту? Опция музла не поддерживается же.
That's not Doom mod actually. Instead, this is port for the old Ukrainian FPS, known as Chasm: The Rift (en), which was a quite famous on the post-Soviet states.
Void Weaver Oh the hud and the weapons kind of reminded me doom mod, seems like many separate games look similar to doom mods is there level system in this game like there is in doom?
Heh, its HUD always reminds me the Q series, but never Doom. ))
What about level system, I can't surely said how much it technically similar with Doom level system, but it looks rather like something between Quake and Hexen for me.
I think you should try it if you are interested, all the more so English text is good enough there. But keep in mind that fact there are lots of puzzles as like as in Hexen. Some of them are very simple, while another ones quite tricky. Btw, in overall I consider this game a much better than Q1, technically and in terms of gameplay either. Enemies dismembering was a very memorable gameplay feature, forex. And moreover, dismembering mechanics was a very precise and progressive for its time. Amazing and highly underrated game.
Товарищ Kirov-13, объявляем благодарность за вклад в дело построения Chasm: The Rift Wiki!
Void Weaver is there any monster in game that resurrect after you kill them? I know in quake there are some monsters like that, and yes I will try it out
So it's sort of like in quake, even if you don't kill them with explosive do they ever stop coming back to life? like if you use super shotgun or chaingun
which monsters come back to life, do you have picture of them? if I know which ones I need to watch out for I would be more careful when I start playing this game
Since they have appears only at mid-late game you might don't bothering about. But moreover in Chasm inhabit a few even more dangerous enemies than Zombies.